Home:ALL Converter>ESP8266 GET request sent but not received by website

ESP8266 GET request sent but not received by website

Ask Time:2020-02-24T00:59:51         Author:Amine Ziani

Json Formatter

I am trying to send a GET request with Arduino Uno using ESP8266. The final goal is to send data from arduino and save them in a mysql database. I can manually send data to it using my browser. However, I am not able to send data from Arduino to PHP.

Here is my code:

AT+CIPSTART="TCP","issamdata.alwaysdata.net",80 -->OK
GET /saveData.php?date=23-02-2020&home=1 HTTP/1.0  
-->  busy s... 
-->  Recv 49 bytes
-->  SEND OK

But then when i check my database there is nothing there, i tried to send a GET request with postman and it works just fine.

i also tried to put the full link after GET like this: "GET http://issamdata.alwaysdata.net/saveData.php?date=23-02-2020&home=1 HTTP/1.0" it didn't work either.

Author:Amine Ziani,eproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with a link to the original source and this disclaimer.
Link to original article:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60364633/esp8266-get-request-sent-but-not-received-by-website